Monday 25 April 2016

Getting started with CFEngine part 5 (Distributed node management & explaining desired state configuration)

In the last tutorial I created the policy to create a file named hello-world in /tmp folder.
But that was only on my policy server. I briefly illustrated how to distribute that across clients.
Here is a detailed example:

Copy the policy file to the /var/cfengine/masterfiles directory:

cp /var/cfengine/masterfiles

Edit the /var/cfengine/masterfiles/ file.
Note: use vim instead of vi as it makes spotting syntactical errors easier.

Modify the /var/cfengine/masterfiles/ file and insert the bundle name my_test in the bundlesequence in body common control. By doing so it will look something like this:
Don't forget to put a comma after the bundle name.
Include the in the inputs section of body common control in By doing so it will look something like this:
Remember to put it in double quotes followed by a comma.
With this done every time a cf-agent running on client contacts the policy server the policy will be executed.

In the basics tutorial I mentioned quite a few times about attaining desired state. I'll try to explain this based on our policy file example.
When the policy was executed on sever & client the hello world file was created on the server & client. Now I removed the file.
[root@dockertest tmp]# rm hello-world
rm: remove regular empty file ‘hello-world’? y
[root@dockertest tmp]# ls
cfengine-nova-3.7.3-1.x86_64.rpm  hsperfdata_root  redis.sock
[root@dockertest tmp]# date
Sun Apr 24 15:04:21 EDT 2016

After a few minutes when I checked,  wow the file was there again!
[root@dockertest tmp]# ls
cfengine-nova-3.7.3-1.x86_64.rpm  hello-world  hsperfdata_root  redis.sock
[root@dockertest tmp]# date
Sun Apr 24 15:13:12 EDT 2016
[root@dockertest tmp]# ls -l hello-world
-rw-------. 1 root root 0 Apr 24 15:06 hello-world
[root@dockertest tmp]#

This happened because when the cf-agent synced up after the 5 minute interval it detected a policy deviation from & automatically executed the policy again thereby attaining the desired state of configuration again.
This is really useful when we want to monitor & protect files against unauthorized deletion.

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