Sunday 24 April 2016

Getting started with CFEngine part 4 (writing the first policy)

Ok, so we've installed the policy server & client & tested out some of the commands.
Now lets write a policy.

The first policy would have to say 'hello world'.

Given below is a small policy file

[root@dockertest tmp]# cat
body common control
bundlesequence => { "my_test" };
bundle agent my_test{
     create => "true";

The only mandatory element in this section is bundlesequence, which tells CFEngine which bundles  to execute and in which order. For the above example policy, we will have a single bundle my_test executed:

body common control
bundlesequence => { "my_test" };

The example says to create a file /tmp/hello-world on all Linux hosts.

To run a syntax check run the following command:

[root@dockertest tmp]# cf-promises -f ./
[root@dockertest tmp]#

To execute the policy type:

[root@dockertest tmp]# cf-agent -KI -f ./
    info: Created file '/tmp/hello-world', mode 0600
[root@dockertest tmp]#
[root@dockertest tmp]# ls -l /tmp/hello-world
-rw-------. 1 root root 0 Apr 24 13:52 /tmp/hello-world
[root@dockertest tmp]#

To run the policy on a distributed system:
By default cf-serverd will serve policy from the /var/cfengine/masterfiles directory. Upon updates, cf-agent will be notified and start to download these before executing them locally.
This means that by default you should store all your policies in the /var/cfengine/masterfiles directory on your policy server. So, now let’s copy our policy to this location:
cp /tmp/ /var/cfengine/masterfiles/
1. Modify the /var/cfengine/masterfiles/ file and insert the bundle name my_test in the bundlesequence in body common control. 
2. Include the  in the inputs section of body common control in 
Save the file, and you are done!

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