Saturday 23 April 2016

Fix for zonecfg verify 'Problem saving file'

I've created dozens of zones in the last few months but never encountered such an error with zonecfg before.

While trying to verify the zone configuration I got 'problem saving file' error:

root@global:/zones# zonecfg -z zone1
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:zone1> create -b
zonecfg:zone1> set zonepath=/zones/zone1
zonecfg:zone1> verify
zone1: Problem saving file
zonecfg:zone1> exit
zone1: Problem saving file
Configuration not saved; really quit (y/[n])? y

I then tried to verify the configuration of a running zone & got the same error;

root@global:/zones# zonecfg -z zone2 verify
zone2: Problem saving file

After some troubleshooting I realized that my /var & /tmp file systems were which were not allowing any temporary files to be created resulting in the error.

I did some housekeeping & everything went smooth thereafter.

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