Monday 2 October 2017

Renaming a LOFS type file system assigned to a Solaris 10 zone

In this quick article I'll demonstrate how we can easily rename a loopback file system mounted from a global zone to a local zone and also change the zone's configuration to make the changes persistent.

The concerned mount point is /data_new on a zone named test-zone.

root@test-zone:/# df -h /data_new
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
/data_new              500M    21K   500M     1%    /data_new

From the global zone we can view the loopback mount point:

root@sandbox:/# mount -v | grep data
/zonefs on /zones/test-zone/root/data_new type lofs read/write/setuid/devices/dev=2d50007 on Mon Oct  2 19:59:16 2017

Let's unmount the file system from the globasl zone and remount it as /data.
Note: If you are about to do this in a production environment then make sure that no process is currently accessing the concerned file system.

root@sandbox:/# umount /zones/test-zone/root/data_new

root@sandbox:/# mkdir /zones/test-zone/root/data

root@sandbox:/# mount -F lofs /zonefs /zones/test-zone/root/data

Now if we take a look at the mount -v output we can notice that the /zonefs file system is now mounted as /data on the zone.

root@sandbox:/# mount -v | grep data
/zonefs on /zones/test-zone/root/data type lofs read/write/setuid/devices/dev=2d50007 on Mon Oct  2 21:17:58 2017

Let's take a look inside the zone as well.

root@test-zone:/# df -h /data
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
/data                  500M    21K   500M     1%    /data

This is fine but the zone configuration still has the old mount point entry.

root@sandbox:/# zonecfg -z test-zone info fs
        dir: /data_new
        special: /zonefs
        raw not specified
        type: lofs
        options: []

So whenever the zone reboots it will mount /zonefs as /data_new. So let's correct it:

root@sandbox:/# zonecfg -z test-zone
zonecfg:test-zone> select fs dir=/data_new
zonecfg:test-zone:fs> set dir=/data
zonecfg:test-zone:fs> set special=/zonefs
zonecfg:test-zone:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:test-zone:fs> end
zonecfg:test-zone> verify
zonecfg:test-zone> commit
zonecfg:test-zone> exit

Now if we view the fs info via zonecfg we observe that the modifications have been updated.

root@sandbox:/# zonecfg -z test-zone info fs
        dir: /data
        special: /zonefs
        raw not specified
        type: lofs
        options: []

The /zonefs file system itself is of type zfs.

root@sandbox:/# mount -v | grep zonefs | grep zfs
rpool/zonefs on /zonefs type zfs read/write/setuid/devices/nonbmand/exec/xattr/atime/dev=2d50007 on Mon Oct  2 19:35:10 2017
root@sandbox:/# df -h /zonefs
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
rpool/zonefs           500M    21K   500M     1%    /zonefs

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