Monday 16 October 2017

Installing openssh on Ubuntu 16.04 (with/without internet access)

I recently installed Ubuntu 16.04 server edition and found that there was no ssh access available. On checking from the VM console I found out that openssh was not installed. So in this article, I'll share the steps I followed to install openssh server on my machine.

Once the VM was up it was on the network with an IP address so it had access to the default repositories available on the internet. Simply type apt-get install ssh to install openssh-server and its dependent packages.

Once done verify that the required service file is now available in /etc/systemd/system directory.

Finally, start and enable the service.

That's fine and easy but in the case, we're behind a corporate firewall without internet access then let's see what we can do.

Mount the ubuntu iso on a temporary mount point like /mnt as I've done and then go /mnt/pool/main/o/openssh directory.

From here you install the package using dpkg -i openssh-server_7.2p2-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb.

You can check it's dependencies and install them first. to check dependencies type dpkg -I openssh-server_7.2p2-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb

I hope this article has been helpful and I thank you for reading through it.

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