Sunday 20 November 2016

Script to report number of characters, words & lines in a file

While browsing through a shell scripting forum I came across a problem statement stating that someone wanted to write a script to report number of characters, words & lines in a file without using the wc command which would have been well very straight forward. 

So I decided to give it a try & after a while to some hits & misses I got a working script ready. 
Here is the script:

[root@cclient1 ~]# cat

case $2 in

-h) echo -e "The number of letters in file are: \n"

        for i in `cat $1 | tr -d " "`
        a=$(expr length $i)
        let b+=$a
        echo $b

-k) echo -e "The number of words in the file are: \n"

    awk  '{total=total+NF}; END {print total  }' $1

-s) echo -e "The number of lines in file are: \n"
    awk  ' END {print NR }' $1

*) echo "Incorrect usage"


Below is a description of what's happening.
  • In the first part, the for loop iterates through each line of the file. I used tr to remove spaces so that the entire line is treated as a single string. Then I used expr built in to calculate the length of the string & finally used let to add the values for string lengths of the individual lines.
  • In the second part, I used the number of fields built in variable in awk to sum up the number of fields in each line & print the final result.
  • In the final part, I used the number of records built in from awk to display the number of lines in the file.

Here's a demo of the script in action:

[root@cclient1 ~]# cat test
sa hi l su ri
un ix li n ux
hp ux

[root@cclient1 ~]# ./ test -h
The number of letters in file are:

[root@cclient1 ~]# ./ test -k
The number of words in the file are:


[root@cclient1 ~]# ./ test -s
The number of lines in file are:


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