Refactoring a cookbook refers to the process of breaking down a recipe into smaller parts & storing them separately.
Let's refactor the apache cookbook:
[sahil@cwork recipes]$ cat default.rb
# Cookbook Name:: apache
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright 2016, YOUR_COMPANY_NAME
# All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute
package_name = "httpd"
service_name = "httpd"
doc_root = "/var/www/html"
if node["platform"] == "ubuntu"
package_name = "apache2"
service_name = "apache2"
doc_root = "/var/www"
package package_name do
action :install
service service_name do
action [:start, :enable]
#cookbook_file "#{doc_root}/index.html" do
# source "index.html"
#mode "0644"
template "#{doc_root}/index.html" do
source "index.html.erb"
mode "0644"
From this cookbook we can take the conditional logic part responsible for identifying the platform & the variable declarations & put them in a separate file cookbooks/apache/attributes/default.rb. We'll modify the if statement to a case statement:
case node["platform"]
when "centos"
default["package_name"] = "httpd"
default["service_name"] = "httpd"
default["doc_root"] = "/var/www/html"
when "ubuntu"
default["package_name"] = "apache2"
default["service_name"] = "apache2"
default["doc_root"] = "/var/www"
Introducing dependencies in cookbooks:
We can make cookbooks dependent on other cookbooks such that the dependencies get applied before the main cookbook is run. For example, if I want to introduce a dependency in the apache cookbook I need to edit the cookbooks/apache/metadata.rb file & add the following line:
depends cook_book_name
Note: We can also update the cookbook version by editing this file.
Defining a custom attribute:
We can define a custom attribute for a client node that is not returned by OHAI by default. To do this we need to edit the cookbook_name/attributes/default.rb file & define the custom attribute. For example:
default["company"] = "TEST_COMPANY"
After defining this attribute we can use it in erb files for our recipes.
Roles introduction:
Roles allow you to encapsulate the run lists & attributes required for a server to perform a function as per user expectation. Roles make it easy to configure many nodes identically avoiding repetition.
Creating a role:
We'll create a role called webservers. Create a webservers.rb file in chef-repo/roles path with the following content:
name "webserver"
description "web servers"
run_list "recipe[apache], recipe[testrecipe]"
"company" => "NEW_COMPANY"
Custom attributes defined in roles will override the ones defined in individual cookbooks.
To upload a role type the following command:
sudo knife role from file webservers.rb
To view available roles type:
sudo knife role list
To view details of a role:
sudo knife role show webservers
To add the role to the node's run list, modify the run list from the chef server GUI.
An environment includes the attributes necessary for for configuring the infrastructure in that environment. Environments allow use to share cookbooks & roles & isolate resources within a single organization. An interesting feature of environments is that they allow cookbook version constraints to be implemented.
To create an environment:
Under chef-repo/environments directory create a .rb file for the specific environment. For example dev.rb to represent the dev environment. Populate this file with the following content:
name "development"
description "development environment"
cookbook "apache", "=2.0.0"
To view available versions of a cookbook type:
sudo knife cookbook show cookbook_name
To upload an environment to the chef server type:
sudo knife environment from file dev.rb
You can modify the environment attribute of a node from the chef server web interface.
Let's refactor the apache cookbook:
[sahil@cwork recipes]$ cat default.rb
# Cookbook Name:: apache
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright 2016, YOUR_COMPANY_NAME
# All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute
package_name = "httpd"
service_name = "httpd"
doc_root = "/var/www/html"
if node["platform"] == "ubuntu"
package_name = "apache2"
service_name = "apache2"
doc_root = "/var/www"
package package_name do
action :install
service service_name do
action [:start, :enable]
#cookbook_file "#{doc_root}/index.html" do
# source "index.html"
#mode "0644"
template "#{doc_root}/index.html" do
source "index.html.erb"
mode "0644"
From this cookbook we can take the conditional logic part responsible for identifying the platform & the variable declarations & put them in a separate file cookbooks/apache/attributes/default.rb. We'll modify the if statement to a case statement:
case node["platform"]
when "centos"
default["package_name"] = "httpd"
default["service_name"] = "httpd"
default["doc_root"] = "/var/www/html"
when "ubuntu"
default["package_name"] = "apache2"
default["service_name"] = "apache2"
default["doc_root"] = "/var/www"
With this done, we'll need to modify our cookbook as well which now looks like:
package node["package_name"] do
action :install
service node["service_name"] do
action [:start, :enable]
template "#{node["doc_root"]}/index.html" do
source "index.html.erb"
mode "0644"
We can make cookbooks dependent on other cookbooks such that the dependencies get applied before the main cookbook is run. For example, if I want to introduce a dependency in the apache cookbook I need to edit the cookbooks/apache/metadata.rb file & add the following line:
depends cook_book_name
Note: We can also update the cookbook version by editing this file.
Defining a custom attribute:
We can define a custom attribute for a client node that is not returned by OHAI by default. To do this we need to edit the cookbook_name/attributes/default.rb file & define the custom attribute. For example:
default["company"] = "TEST_COMPANY"
After defining this attribute we can use it in erb files for our recipes.
Roles introduction:
Roles allow you to encapsulate the run lists & attributes required for a server to perform a function as per user expectation. Roles make it easy to configure many nodes identically avoiding repetition.
Creating a role:
We'll create a role called webservers. Create a webservers.rb file in chef-repo/roles path with the following content:
name "webserver"
description "web servers"
run_list "recipe[apache], recipe[testrecipe]"
"company" => "NEW_COMPANY"
Custom attributes defined in roles will override the ones defined in individual cookbooks.
To upload a role type the following command:
sudo knife role from file webservers.rb
To view available roles type:
sudo knife role list
To view details of a role:
sudo knife role show webservers
To add the role to the node's run list, modify the run list from the chef server GUI.
An environment includes the attributes necessary for for configuring the infrastructure in that environment. Environments allow use to share cookbooks & roles & isolate resources within a single organization. An interesting feature of environments is that they allow cookbook version constraints to be implemented.
To create an environment:
Under chef-repo/environments directory create a .rb file for the specific environment. For example dev.rb to represent the dev environment. Populate this file with the following content:
name "development"
description "development environment"
cookbook "apache", "=2.0.0"
To view available versions of a cookbook type:
sudo knife cookbook show cookbook_name
To upload an environment to the chef server type:
sudo knife environment from file dev.rb
You can modify the environment attribute of a node from the chef server web interface.
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