Saturday 29 June 2019

Merge two consecutive lines using awk

As system admins we spend a lot of our time working with files. While doing so we may come across situations wherein we may need to manipulate the content of a file or the output of a command to suit our needs. I came across such a situation recently wherein I had to run nslookup on a couple of hosts and get the hostname the IP address printed on the same line with a colon and a space acting as a delimiter. As with many things in UNIX/Linux there is more than one tool for the job. My task could've been accomplished using sed or perl but I chose to go with awk.

The command:

[ssuri@ulabtestpinfra09:~] $ for i in `cat<<EOF
> ulabtestdinfap31
> ulabtestdinfap35
> ulabtestdinfap37
> EOF`
> do nslookup   $i | awk '/Name|Address: 10/  {print $2}' | awk '!(NR%2){print p ": " $0 }{p=$0}'
> done
[ssuri@ulabtestpinfra09:~] $

As you might've noticed I've used awk twice. The first use is basic so I won't get into it. Now let's talk about the second awk. NR represents the number of rows. % is the modulus operator (i.e. a%b is the remainder when a is divided by b)... (NR%2) is the modulus of NR by two, i.e. is true when NR is even and false when odd. !(NR%2) is true when NR is odd, thus. !(NR%2){print p ": " $0 } means the program will print the line concatenated with the variable p, only on odd lines. {p=$0} means that on every line, p is set to be the current line (but only after printing the current and previous line if the current line is odd).

This concludes our quick article on how we could use awk to merge or join two consecutive lines. I hope that you found this post to be useful.

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