Friday 6 January 2017

A Ping check script in Perl

The title sounds simple. The script sounds like a mere one liner. To just ping a server ?
The task is simple but the way we execute it in the script I wish to share isn't simple.
I took the ping check as a basic example to demonstrate the concept.

I have a list of servers. I need to separate them. The list of servers which respond to a ping to go in one file & the servers which do not respond to a ping go in another file.
The list of servers which will be used as input will be supplied as a command line argument & read in the script via @ARGV.
The script will exit if not file is provided as a command line argument.

Here is the script:

[root@alive ~]# cat

$#ARGV += 1;
my $list = $ARGV[0] ;

if ($#ARGV == 0) {
        print "script usage: $0 \<server_list\> \n";
        exit ;

open (FH1, "$list") || die "error in file $list : $!" ;
open (FH2, ">> host_alive") || die "errors $!" ;
open (FH3, ">> host_dead") || die "errors $!" ;

while (<FH1>) {
        chomp $_ ;
        my $output = `ping -c 1 $_ &> /dev/null`;
        print  "$output \n" ;
        if ($? == 0) {
                printf FH2 "$_ \n"  ;
        else    {
                printf FH3 "$_ \n" ;

print "script complete \n" ;

I've put some host names in a file named server_list.

[root@alive ~]# cat server_list

Now, lets test the script by typing: ./ server_list
Once the script completes the content within my two output files is as follows:

[root@alive ~]# cat host_alive
[root@alive ~]# cat host_dead
[root@alive ~]#

So, the concept I've tried to explain here is how we can use a given list of systems & classify a server based on it's output response to a command.
Many would argue that the script would be much simpler in bash but I've made an effort to appreciate the beauty in complexity.

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