Thursday 27 October 2016

Removing a zpool from a Solaris 11 zone

In this article I'll demonstrate how to remove a zpool assigned to a local zone. The zone needs to be in shutdown state for this to work.

I've shutdown the zone & entered zonecfg interface:

root@global:/etc/zones# zonecfg -z localzone

To view the assigned zpools type:

zonecfg:localzone> info zpool
        name: dpool01
        storage: dev:/dev/dsk/c0t60002AC0000000000000453B0000935Dd0
        name: dpool02
        storage: dev:/dev/dsk/c0t60002AC0000000000000453E0000935Dd0
        name: expdmp
        storage: dev:/dev/dsk/c0t5000CCA0705EDCCCd0
        name: expdmp1
        storage: dev:/dev/dsk/c0t60002AC000000000000045440000935Dd0

I need to remove expdmp. So I typed remove zpool name=expdmp but it gave me an error:

zonecfg:localzone> remove zpool name=expdmp
Zone localzone already installed; remove zpool not allowed in 'installed' state.
Use 'zoneadm mark' to mark the zone 'unavailable' or detach the zone
before removing a 'zpool' resource.
zonecfg:localzone> exit

So, I had to detach the zone.

root@global:/etc/zones# zoneadm -z localzone detach
Exported zone zpool: localzone_rpool
Exported zone zpool: localzone_dpool01
Exported zone zpool: localzone_dpool02
Exported zone zpool: localzone_expdmp
Exported zone zpool: localzone_expdmp1

Then remove the zpool:

root@global:/etc/zones# zonecfg -z localzone
zonecfg:localzone> remove zpool name=expdmp
zonecfg:localzone> verify
zonecfg:localzone> commit
zonecfg:localzone> exit

Once done, attach the zone & boot it.

root@global:/etc/zones# zoneadm -z localzone attach
Imported zone zpool: localzone_rpool
Imported zone zpool: localzone_dpool01
Imported zone zpool: localzone_dpool02
Imported zone zpool: localzone_expdmp1
Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/zoneadm.20161018T124012Z.localzone.attach
    Installing: Using existing zone boot environment
      Zone BE root dataset: localzone_rpool/rpool/ROOT/solaris-0
                     Cache: Using /var/pkg/publisher.
  Updating non-global zone: Linking to image /.
Processing linked: 1/1 done
  Updating non-global zone: Auditing packages.
No updates necessary for this image.

  Updating non-global zone: Zone updated.
                    Result: Attach Succeeded.
Log saved in non-global zone as /zones/localzone/root/var/log/zones/zoneadm.20161018T124012Z.localzone.attach
You have new mail in /var/mail/root

root@global:/etc/zones# zoneadm -z localzone boot

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